About Us
Al Ansari Financial Brokerage L.L.C.
Al Ansari Financial Brokerage LLC, holding the ISO accreditation (ISO 9001:2015), was incorporated in 2005 as a member of Al Ansari Holding Group, active in the field of trading in local financial markets, according to the most modern comprehensive and integrated standards, with a wide investors base of more than 76,000 investors. Company practices business through its two branches across UAE in Dubai City, in addition to Company’s main office in Abu Dhabi City. To facilitate the services of its customers, Company offers the service of cash deposit and withdrawal for trading purposes across financial markets, through Al Ansari Exchange network branches of more than 250 outlets in UAE.

Mr. Mohammad Ali Abu Al Hassan Al Ansari: He is the CEO of Al Ansari Financial Brokerage Company and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al Ansari Financial Services Company. And he is the founding Chairman of the Foreign Exchange and Remittance Group (“FERG”), a non-profit association for exchange companies in the UAE established in conjunction with the UAE Central Bank. He pursued his higher education in the United States and returned to the UAE in the early 1980s.

Mission & Vision
Al Ansari Financial Brokerage LLC practices business under the supervision and control of the UAE Securities & Commodities Authority (“SCA”). Company enjoys a strong future investment vision, huge financial potentials, and distinguished local and global relationships, utilized in support of customers services in investment of financial securities, according to the advanced scientific practical standards, with a distinguished level of performance built on professional management skills, to gain the satisfaction of our customers base.